Monday, August 1, 2011

Permintaan Jasa baik Kepada semua pelanggan

Selamat kembali ke MTCO di mana anda boleh mendapatkan barangan tokusatsu , dari kami.

Berikutan dari pelbagai rintihan dan tidak kepercayaan dari online viewer yang lain . kami memerlukan jasa baik customer yang dihormati dengan memberikan gambar berserta dengan gambar produk.

segala detail anda akan di rahsiakan.

sekian terima kasih.
Apa yang anda tunggu lagi , mari berbelanja.


h3nshin_h3r03s said...

"kami memerlukan jasa baik customer yang dihormati dengan memberikan gambar berserta dengan gambar produk."

What do you mean by this? Giving u proof that your customer did get their products?

Najoe said...

Yes, and also we are now doing our survey. it is because, in previous batch we got buyer from 'pendalaman Perlis' . who didn't receive yet (by POS Laju) but after 2 hours our customer contact back and said " Yes , i already receive it .Postman said it to me that" the Goods become late because of my place are near the river bank and the bridge already in maintenance so vehicle can't pass through that road" and im so sorry for making up story that you guys are Cheater/fraud" thats why now we are asking them to leave/share their photos with their product = =.
we will update in flickr .

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